décembre, 2023

202329dec(dec 29)20 h 00 min30(dec 30)20 h 00 minConcerto pour saxophone alto - Concerto for alto saxophone


Winter tour of the Netherlands Youth Orchestra (JON)

Jeugdorkest Nederland, conducted by Jurjen Hempel – António Paulo Martins Melo, alto saxophone, finalist for the Princess Christina Concours

Akoesticum website / JON website / Jurjen Hempel website

Video of the concert on 6 January at the Schouwburg Concertzaal in Tilburg

Other date: 30 December, 8pm – Geertekerk, Geertekerkhof 23, 3511 XC Utrecht – Netherlands


29 (Vendredi) 20 h 00 min - 30 (Samedi) 20 h 00 min


Akoesticum, Nieuwe Kazernelaan 2, D42, 6711 JC Ede - Nederland